Kudlow : FBC : August 16, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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consumer continuing and we'll see the unemployment rate continue to tick higher a little bit and we think that it will end up being more of a soft landing. we do think that the fed will be cuts rates 25 basis points in september, november, and december and four more times next year. kelly: sam, we'll see what they do and let's hope they can stick state queens like simon biles. appreciate your time, sam. markets closing higher for the day and week. nasdaq surging 5% this week. next week make sure to tune into fox business coverage of the democratic national convention. there's a chance to show for you monday. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow. i'm larry kudlow.

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there's a big government demand in central planning and socialism. more on that. they did not pass it just a moment or two but first up edward lawrence. he's got the unfortunate details on the house economic plan for america. >> i'm going to pass the first ever federal ban on price gouging on food. my plan will include new penalties for opportunistic companies that exploit crises and breaks rules. reporter: pushing back the executive director of meat processers and chris young says

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the cost of raising and processing animals and transporting finished products to the consumer has increased considerably under the biden harris administration. there's a direct correlation between the energy and regulatory policies of the current administration and the increase cost of goods to the consumer and grocery store owners like stu leonard also miffed. >> we're just trying to keep up with the expensive creases that are going on. reporter: limiting the ability of corporate owners and buying homes in bulk and republicans warn about moving towards price controls. >> they've never worked and the only reason why even propose this is trying to run away from your own economic record of the biden harris administration.

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social security affected everyone. reporter: the vice president saying she'll increase the child tax credit. no real deflation natural rights approach policies that we heard today, larry. every one of them. larry: you price this out and it's probably $2 trillion and price it out to others. that's not deflation, that's inflation. anyway, edward lawrence, thank you. folks, kamala harris' price control will never work. that's the subject of the riff. kamala harris' economic plan released today in north carolina, command control, socialist type, central planning and likes of which we haven't seen since the 1930s depression. or for those who remember the old soviet union communist or those that unlucky enough to visit the venezuela.

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it's crazy stuff and no one has been taken seriously and ultra far left planning has been out of favor in the united states for nearly 100 years. the unlikely event she'd work to be elected. that's what we have to suffer there and big it items is $3600 kiddy tax credit costing about a trillion under ten ye years and child credit under 100 billion and 25,000 home mortgage subsidy about $250 billion. of course there's going to be a lot more details as the -- lot more as details come out and new tax credits for obama care and there's another bump up in the earned income tax credit and some kind of debt cancellation

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first ever ban on price gouging on fed and beverages. it's really just price controls. >> it's a sheep in sheep clothing. larry: take a listen to what he had to say. >> kamala proposing price controls and they don't work and have exact opposite impact in fact and leads to food shortages and rationing hunger and dramatically more inflation and we call it the plan like something straight out of venezuela and the soviet union.

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what kamala harris and deputies don't understand is that rising prices don't cause inflation. inflation causes rising prices and inflation is too much money chasing too few goods. all of which devalues the money in your wallet. and pocketbooks. this whole bologna about price gown gouging and excess profits and corporate greed is long time hallmark of distant far left and pops up every now and then. in time again, laughed out of the room. profit margins for grocers like kroger or albertsons or wal-mart or costco, they average a 1.2% fur the whole grocery sector. as far as so called meat, beef

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and poultry companies, margins are still 4.7%. very low. by the way, high flying tech companies and huge profit margins, apple 25%, meta, microsoft 34%. nvidia 53% and could be price gouging and so far kamala is not going after them, is she? talks about clear rules of the road but doesn't offer any. new authority for the trade commission and ftc that's a very scare i have thought. basically apart from the headline price controls is equaling socialism and the last of the program is top down, big government, control the economy.

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by the way, $25,000 down payment for homeowners and every one raised selling price by 25,000 to equalize the market. guess what else, spending well over $1 trillion means borrowing well over $1 trillion and means bigger deficit and debt creating and means higher mortgage rates and all still leads to dream of home ownership out of reach for gen zers. she goes again. it's the pack among them and just like the usual fair and offered up by joe biden and going how the biden harris

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economy is going to leave most americans behind with the subheading, a government spending boom fueled inflation that has crushed real average incomes and they talk about the 6 trillion in new biden harris deficits. kamala spewing untruth about the trump tariffs that yet don't exist and frankly looks like he

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lacks reciprocity rather than the baseline tag and better approach than outright protectionism. strong incentives to work and invest here at home. getting rid of obama care and that's not his policy. instead in his 2017 tax cut bill, he was unpopular individual mandate. step back from all this just a moment. basically kamala harris wants government central planners to run the economy and on the other hand wants you to keep more of what you earn and competitive free market economy. kamala is description for the decline and mr. tram subpoena describing economic resurgence and growth. i'm betting on the growth guide. and that's my riff.

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michael faulkender and fbi chief economist, gentlemen, getting the pass through here. we're going to start with you and apart from all the price controls and central planning and bringing back richard nixon and fdr and joe stalin and it's amusing if it weren't serious business. what's this going to cost? >> the tax kretz is more than a trillion and it's more than first time home buyers and looking at coming in at

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$250 billion and healthcare expansion is another $400 billion. you've got the baby bonuses that are coming in at about 100 billion and so you start adding it all up and you're right, larry, over a 10 year budget window, it's $2 trillion and not providing details on how to pay for it and going back to canard and raising taxes on the wealthy and corp. races and just pointed out, tax cuts for corporations cut through by consumers and higher wages for workers. larry, if you like .g, you're going to love this plan contraindication for cerumen removal right? if you don't like government, you're not going to love this plan. i mean, i like to try and satisfy my opening riff with far too much detail and i regret that. isn't that government,

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government, government, government. that's what i'm seeing. >> she's doubling down on government controlling people and the economy. i've got an anal seizure disorders for you and it's -- analogy and they gave her the ball and running five yards and fumbles and each time she get as chance to make a decision it's the wrong decision and this one is really harmful because if you said give me the five worst ideas you can do, picked all five and that's taxes and price control and the write off of the debts and so on down. energy prices will be higher. nobody had a chance to ask her a question and what are you going to do different than than biden is what are you going to do to actually allow the economy to go

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ready to put the breaks on biden's economy. that's what she's saying. larry: her very first decision was to appoint this far left minnesota governor walz, okay. real lefty progressive. so that gives you a hint where her heart is. her second decision is the miss price control of government, government, government and no real way to pay for it. faulkender, it's like i think there's a misunderstanding here. i think that kamala and her advisers, which are mostly former biden advisers, some of them from elizabeth warren advisers, but they believe that ricing prices cause inflation. but the problem is rising prices are a function of inflation. they don't cause it.

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they are a result, a consequence. and inflation you can define it as too much money and too few goods. define them as decline in the valley of the money and pocketbook and it's a sense of the government theme. >> it's spending and barring that's the inflation and like that'll cause all prices to rise. not just a couple prices. we've got a chart up on the full screen there, and >> if all of

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the costs rise then you increase price by the percentage and margins might stay the same, no evidence of gouging and point it out and even san francisco fed showed that that was the case. their fundamental model is one with massive supply constraints with regulation and taxation and don't like the outcome and what do they do? put in place demand subsidies and provide additional credits and provide subsidies for buying homes and the last time i checked, and i regularly teach e con 101 if you curtail supply and enhance demand, the new equal library rendition of anthony yum is one with no -- equal l librium is that one. larry: have you seen a sheep in sheep's clothing? these are price controls dressed

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up as price controls, okay, that's what they are. i don't care what you call them. >> going to work and nixon had price controls and richard nixon. i want to call him a great american but i don't know. but the point with price control work in the united states and going with communism and socialism and venezuela and the soviet union and do price controls ever work and one example in history? do price controls really ever work? >> no, it was the down fall of nixon and led into high prices and inflation and that led to down fall of jimmy carter and if we look at soviet union, a core part of the down fall was price

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control and that caused -- very quickly caused shortages and so people in this soviet union and poor people that had to live under communism looked around and they saw the rest of the world with growing production and growing supply of goods and i need to ask her is does she want more energy in the united states? i don't know what her answer is to that? that means gasoline prices will go up because she basically wants less energy. larry: david, i'll give you her cell phone number and you can call but you know what the answer will be. the answer is nada. i got to get out. you guys are great. david and mike, thank you so much. all right, folks, coming up.

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president trump has a brand new transition team. big news today. very big news. all right, howard lutnick and edward mcman and we've got brook rawlins and chris ladell and has a book about transitions and working on this stuff for a long, long time as president of afbi and we'll talk about that. the trump transition committee. and adults, remember, you can catch kudlow monday through friday 4:00 p.m. on fabulous fox news and for some reason, you can't just please text your favorite 9-year-old and you'll never miss a sheep in sheep's clothing as she shows you how to dvr the show. we'll be right back.

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or go to gentlecure.com larry: president trump announced white house transition leaders. linda mcman and vice former small business administrator and cabinet member and wall streeted

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brookie rollins and author of five year presidency and not trying to change the constitution and talking alaska the transition and that's year zero. what do you think about mcman and better say something positive. what's the transition team doing? going to chris first because he wrote the book. sayre, go ahead, chris. >> he needs to dot job and having both exec executives andh businesses that run businesses and these are not political

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hacks and going to check there and it's going by the candidate and another big check because they're long time confidants of the president and you've got to be the president that's going to be his personnel and really positive development outside of them on the field. >> it's on zoom to help them and linda wants to remain the chair and it's promisings and will you be a resource for it, brooke? >> today is a great day for america, president trump, and reclaiming this country out of

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the hands of the socialist frankly that are trying to destroy everything. linda mcman, i know, larry, you and i and chris all worked hand in glove with her in the last white house. she was often would be characterized as president trump's favorite cabinet secretary. not to start a war amongst family but truly remarkable and built one of the most amazing businesses in american history and wwe and for the last almost four years has been building the america first policy institute and she's remarkable and there's no one better. but howard lutnick, many may not know his name as well and ceo of cantor fitzgerald hit on 9/11 and perhaps more than anyone else destroyed by 911 and howard lutnick was the top of the list losing 650 employees that day including his brother. and he has been a long time friend of president trump, and i think what he brings to this

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project is not only the trust of the president and the president's family, which is very important but also this idea that you can build something great and huge in just a matter of days, weeks, and months. he brought cantor fitzgerald back from the dust and it was remarkable and putting those together. it was magic. la he took care of the families who lost. using to come out and on the cnbc show and chris luddel, come back. you have people and policy and personnel and policy and how do you look at the two of them, chris?

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>> the president appoints around 4,000 people and you've got to have at least a thousand of those on the field by day one. so you have the 75 days sprint between election and all the people lucky to run the government and that's pass number one and pass number two and three big areas near dealing with cry cease and the world on fire like at the moment and dealing with a significant crisis day one is extreme and people support you if there's a crisis and going through state

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and it's on national security adviser and we need the teams on the field on day one to deal with it. larry: especially in a time like this. brook, you'll get the last word but we don't know who's in the charge of the white house or the commander in chief and we don't know anything right now. we have mr. biden on the way out, we have kamala harris, we have kamala's telepromter. i don't know who's running the country. maybe the telepromter is running the country, but the point is, chris' point, if a crisis comes in the next 90 days or 110 days or whatever, that's pretty tricky stuff. >> that's the telepromter in charge and you think what president trump is putting on

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the field to prepare for the exact moment you're talking about and difference cannot be more stark and time for americas to make a decision for families to be protected for america to be safe on the border to be secure and going for them. larry: book and sam, thank you so much -- brooke and sam, thank you so much. the battle on the senate and going up here and montana senators going ahead for the campaign and don't miss a special coverage of the democratic national convention and starting monday, august 19th, speeches started at 7:00 p.m. here on fabulous fox business. we'll be right back. (husband) we just want to have enough money for retirement.

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larry: montana senator going for national republican senate committee and a real big wig and steve banes, welcome back to the show. what are you thinking here? wait in west virginia and we'll give that one to you. how about the other races in pennsylvania and ohio and wisconsin. anyway, we've been going for senator danes. >> larry, thanks. how about montana. we'll start there and-and-a-half value academy grad and married and going for him and wife and four kids and businessman and that state and our state and great state of montana where trump came in at a rally for friday with tim sheehe, up above john tester and that could be

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the 51st seat right this. i agree with you, larry, we'll win west virginia and montana is 51 and going to ohio, another red state and see'and michigan there's an open seat and mike rogers and that race is single digits and low single digits and going to state that president trump will be very competitive and it's a great shot to win it and going to maryland and larry hogan and open seat and it's a great candidate and it's a competitive race and thanksgiving 46-46 and then go

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to pennsylvania and dave mckormick and west wing grad and business guy and wonderful candidate and wisconsin, and that's a low single digit race right now and another business person and a banker there. so what we really focused on, larry, at the end of the day was finding candidates that can win not just a primary or general election and we've got to find republicans will reach beyond the maga crowd and non-inspect voters and that's the secret sauce to winning. larry: you got the money and operation and that stuff will be important. do you feel good about that, steve danes? >> it's raising out in the west and going to the west and that's not a new problem able to win.

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another great state is nevada. in nevada the last election in 2022, they elected a republican governor and governor lombardo and fightest loss and 8,000 votes from that race in 2022 and we like our odds in nevada as well and it is truly with 80 days out and we have got to keep fighting and not only on the campaign trail but also in the fundraising side but we've got the resources to get a message out and against truly the most liberal candidate for president we've ever seen, larry, in our lifetime. if you like san francisco politics, you'll love kamala harris. larry: that's a great rundown. very informative. talking to him before the game is over.

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the ways and means member and mr. greg stuebe and it'll cost them and talking at first segment of the show with people and faulkender and this thing will breakthrough 2 trillion. she's not putting any numbers on it. it goes on and on and on in tax credits and this and that. not to speak of the fact it has price controls with a wonderful thing. >> exacerbating an already

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sticky high priced situation and that's going to be one and then this massive -- it'll be trillions of dollars and it'll be more than the largest spending bill ever confidence the american rescue plan ask you know and the viewers know it was a bunch of money for progressive projects. it really wasn't. it was a guise under the guise of covid relief but it'll be the deferred tax on our children and already borrowing as a result of this administration's unbridled spending. $6 billion a day, and we have a $35 trillion debt. the interest has tripled and we're now the gap every year and we borrow versus what we spend, $2 trillion. this is a disaster on so many levels.

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larry: hang on a second. greg s steube, i want you ha toe a sound. >> we'll terminate the green new scam and rescind all funds and we want to stop racial spending in big government special interest give aways. larry: now, there's a line in there, i don't know if people caught it but he said we're going to rescind unspent funds and a the lo of stuff in the paper, greg. all the big bills that chairman was talking about a few moments ago. the money hasn't been spent for one reason or another. a lot of times there were dei requirements and they couldn't spend it on that or there was no permitting reform. you couldn't build and construct a lot of stuff. i'm going to just guess, greg, you could have a trillion dollars of rescissions that means the money is pulled back out if it's unspent, pulled back

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out and has to go through the house and senate and i understand that. that's one of mr. trump's strategies and let loose on that and i don't know if he picked up on that. >> president trump said we need to get the country back on track and probably like you just said. there may be a million dollars sitting out there and covid era programs and local governments and states clawed back and leadership on the economic front and got to get out of the disastrous economic policy and price controls that kamala harris talked about are the type of thins you see in venezuela and russia and north korea and not in the utes and it's backwards and not the direction we need to be doing and president trump will put us on the economic footing in the direction we need to be going. larry: i want to stay on this point, chairman arrington and

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precision and empowerment authority. the budget and amber got credit for that and "the wall street journal" and biden's deficits were twice what trump's deficits are and first time i've seen anybody acknowledge that trump was tougher than you think. leaving that aside, he does undercut spending and putting in the speeches and rescission authority and other authority, jodey arrington. what do you think? >> that's going to be top of the agenda for weighing in wasteful spending and tremendous amount probably well over $200 billion in just interest alone and improper payments and i think that's the right place to start. moneys that are unspent from "covid relief and not even a quarter of every dollar out of that american rescue plan went to relief". then i worked through the entire

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balance sheet and going with way that was necessary spending and that's a big part of the problem and overstimulation of demand while taxing, regulated and mandating and price controlling on the supply side, which is created this chasm and imbalance in supply and demand and going to have a cost of living crisis. it's going with president trump. larry: thank you, gentlemen. we're short of time. appreciate your time. folks, coming up, federal judge rules they should not let protesters influence jewish exclusion zones and president of columbia just resigned and whole dei and anti-semitism story resigned and more with allen did he recollect wits up next --

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allen derric jeans wits up next on kudlow. allen dershowitz. it might be the perfect size to do this. your body may take up a lot of space. or have to speak with its hands. but no matter what body you're born with, you only get one. let's fight like hell for it. (♪)

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i was not really a fan of that because the scarring can be disfiguring. if you've been affected by skin cancer, surgery is no longer your only option. we chose gentlecure. gentlecure is a surgery-free treatment that uses low energy x-rays to kill skin cancer cells with a 99% cure rate. plus, there's no cutting, no surgical scarring and no downtime. the results are absolutely fabulous. see why so many people, including doctors, are choosing gentlecure. call today or go to gentlecure.com. already reigns leading, you cannot -- larry: we're joined by professor allen derric jean wits

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and author of war against students and pushing to the ucla campus and they refused to denounce their faith. that's utterly incredible, professor terez wits. >> they cannot deny jews basic freedom of religion and freedom of speech and harvard can and columbia did and we're here for the president of harvard being fired, president gay, had a double standard and said you can't use the wrong profane

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nouns to describe -- pronouns to describe people of the wrong gender and saying israel and jews can commit genocide and private schools have the ability to apply a double standard and that's why it's important that many of these presidents have now been fired and maybe it's the beginning with universities that are in major decline in america as a result of dei, diversity, equity, and inclusion. diversity means the opposite of real diversity and means only more blacks. it doesn't mean anything in the opposite of equality. you judge people based on their racial backgrounds and going as the courts found and excluded asians and jews and other minorities and unless there's a dismantling of the dei programs, we'll continue to see the decline of american universities. larry: that's why when we talked, that was the disease and i always thought dei was

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essentially the pro janitor of the wave and pro semitism and going for them to resign and they're saying that you mention and that the end of the days and cooperations and boards and going to make changes and they're going to get rid of dei and so forth and how do you see it, professor dershowitz? >> i taught at harvard for 50 years and i cannot speak at harvard about israel and speak at columbia about israel and cannot speak at ucla and it ex-luisa sitly and it's a pub -- explicitly and it's the club and anybody that proclaims that he is a zionist. i'm a proud zionist and i can cannot speak at these places and people are saying there's restrictions on free speech by those that want to end dei. no, it's the opposite.

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it's dei and criminallalty that prevent -- criminallalty and woke free speech from me and not for and the they don't allow people like me, a centerrist pro israel supporter and democrat for many, many years and won't allow people like me to speak on the university and i'm not radical enough. not anti-israel enough and, and i can speak. the thing about me, it's about the students that don't have the ability to hear points of being different from the points of view that's a propaganda and a faculty and want them to hear. they're not universities. they're propaganda mills and that has to stop. those are the universities over voting for people that were on the boards of universities and have to put an end to this and cannot allow the universities to be hijacked by the hard pose mystic anti-american left. larry: professor dershowitz, thank you very much. thank you very much. we'll be back with my last word.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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