The Lawton Constitution from Lawton, Oklahoma (2024)

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Lawton, Oklahoma

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PAGE SEC TULSA fl)P I I i Stassen Quizzed i him On Pakistan Plan SPRING AND APRIL RIVER SHOWERS 4 4 Ron Stephens Service Phone BOO OB OUR TV Owners 5 Get This Beautiful OTTO HOWARD Sells Insurance REE! The start of a career OR MELLOW MOMENTS the mellow beer! Red on and federal unheld 1 the ground out from under any to attack him ante Average cost of toll road con struction in the United States is a million dollars a mile or only 51000 plus a $350 service charge we will repair your old tube in your home and guarantee it for six months LOS ANGELES UP Roger Lewis assistant secretary of Air otec materiel said Wednesday work will begin immedlntelv for construction of a rocket engine test facility at ort Crowncr 25 miles from Joplin Mo The new plant will employ be tween 500 and 1000 persons and will be operated by the Aerojet General Corp of Azusa Calif a dnision of the General Tire and Rubber Co of Akron Ohio If during the guarantee you become dissatisfied you may apply the $1000 on the purchase of a new picture tube About 80 per cent of those old dim tubes can be made to give you a clear picture again by a revolutionary new electronic device whose bid was $900000 or more higher than the low bid US or eign aid funds are to pay for the plant estimated to cost about two million dollars McClellan had ordered a sub poena served on Stassen calling on him to testify and produce doc uments the senator snid office previously had Stassen insists the subpoena was not legally served on him but has agreed to testify' "voluntarily" Yesterday he sent McClellan a batch of the requested documents McClellan said he believes Stas sen now has given him "ail the documents I asked Monday but that Stassen has not yet de livered all records requested by the subcommittee staff Graham Slates arewell Rallies GLASGOW Scotland UP Billv Graham will terminate his all Scotland crusade with two fare well rallies expected to draw some 200000 persons it was announced Tuesday The rallies will be held on successive nights beginning April 29 at the end of six week crusade Our Office Has Paid Over $55000 IN DIVIDENDS to Lawton Property Owners ar4 JW Although medicine can help relieve symptoms of a cold none has been found that will cure it At your favorite tavern or store In bottles cans and in handy six pack cartons GOETZ BREWING COMPANY ST KANSAS CITY MISSOURI PROPOSED TURNPIKE Dashes on the map show the route of a turnpike proposed by the Legislature The road would extend a proposed Texas toll road to the Oklahoma City Kansas pike which has been approved by voters but not yet financed while another leg would meet the Turner Turnpike between Chandler and Stroud and give access to the Tulsa Missouri turnpike which is nearing construction The plan has drawn opposition from this section of the state (Associated Press Photo) Town A Country Store 1805 Cache Road Phone 803 We will be open and accept appointments throughout the day and up to 9 pm 200 Koehler Building Office Phone 2190 Res 6115 Rocket Engine Test Center To Be Built At ort Crowder 202 Ave Phono 242 Civil Defense Administration Called Government 'Stepchild' WASHINGTON Gov Mcnnen Williams of Michigan Tuesday described the Civil De fense Administration as "the step child of the federal He urged it be put on equal footing with the Army Naw and Air orce He said civil defense policies must be linked with other national defense policies and that the CDA should be put under the Defense Department He attacked the civil defense program for Jack of effec tive leadership vacillation and con fusion Next time the right pour yourself a round of mellow Country Club Beer so smooth and so refreshing! One sip will tell you why so many folks every dqy ask for Club mellow beer" Why you try Country Club today! Bv JAMES MARLOW Associated Pres News Analyst WASHINGTON One of the differences between the adminis trations of President Elsenhower anti President Truman is the dif ference between fire and rain The peppery Truman spurted Game when he got mad enough He scorched people he thought were shoving him around particu larly Republicans in Congress He had a sharn tongue and in public But the Republicans in Congress were a lot rougher on Truman than the Democrats are on Eisen hower The Democrats mav open tin a the 1956 elections draw near showing some signs of it now Eisenhower unlike Truman holds his tongue and bis fire in public at least As he savs him self he get personal That sort of Knocks beforehand one with ven Eisenhower dampens his opposi tion and his critics bv being as impersonal and cool as rain Tn public that is What he savs in 1he privacy of the White House is not known He is said to have quite a temper Even if he had a desire to slug the Democrats this would be a poor time to trv it anyway He needs their help since they will control Congress until the 1956 elections But while Eisenhower refrains I SULPHUR are just around the corner Now is the time to have POWER LAWN MOWER ENGINE CHECKED OVER AND PUT IN IRST CLASS RUNNING CONDITION actory Authorized Parts and Service Brings Stratton Power Products Clinton top on dark nights Once the Somme under star shells machine gun fire he dragged back a sergeant whose thigh bone had been shattered Eden radiates a reserved warmth as befits a man of cen turies of aristocratic background He speaks knowledgeably about most anything He is slim tall and well dressed The Eden moustache once quite a bush is like a proper ly cropped English hedge His hair is becoming grayer and the lines of his face more pro nounced There is a suggestion of a fold under the chin Eden has a feel for clothes Yet say his close associates he pays comparatively little attention to what he wears "I remember when he in last to look at something new" said his tailor not so long ago "But the tailor who make a smart suit for such a figure simoly know his "And the barber who give a good haircut to such a head ought to be shearing sheep" said a hair dresser in Jermvn Street Such speculations as to his an pearance made Eden furious He winces every time he gets on to another best dressed men list Three times foreign secretary Churchill's other half war secre tary the man who scolded Mus solini and helped write the United Nations Charter does not fancy be ing regarded a clothes horse Costello Tax Evasion Conviction Is Upheld NEW YOR A court of anneals Tuesday the tax evasion conviction of rank Costello clearing the wav for the government to send the 63 year old gambler back to jail Costello was sentenced tn five vears in prison and fined $30000 last May 17 after a iurv convicted him of evading $39000 In taxes for die years 1947 1949 court action reduced Costello's fine by $10000 It reversed a count against him which accused him of evading taxes in 1947 Otherwise it let the conviction and sentence stand and Get All Channel Antenna MATADOR GORED Manolo Marquez 22 outstanding matador from Mexico City is shown as he was gored by a bull while going in with a sword for the kill at tiie Ciudad Acuna Mex ring He was caught in the groin by the right horn He suffered severe internal injuries but went ahead to kill the bull and be awarded the ears and the tail (AP Wirephoto) INCOME TAX RETURNS 36th Year In Lawton By Appointment Any Hour Day or Night EDWARDS EDWARDS 422 ij Phone from adding fuel to the fire of his opposition bv public and personal criticism he and hl assistants apparently work hard behind the scenes to overcome roadblocks A good example was in the re cent attempt of some Democrats to give everyone a $20 income tax cut administration said the government af ford it He got enough votes lined up in Congress to save the day for him Truman had trouble xxith Sen McCarthy (R Wis) and the late Sen Taft (R Ohio) He Masted both of them Thev returned the compli ment or a while after he won the Republican presidential nomination from Taft it seemed Eisenhower might have trouble with him too But Eisenhower won him over Taft became his most valuable helper Eisenhower had trouble with Mc Carthy but handled him much dif ferently from Truman and more effectively Eisenhower himself has never said a won! against the Wisconsin senator But his aides put 'the skids under the senator Die result: Eisenhower is still riding high while McCarthy has been pushed into the background and is still probably trying to fig ure out what hit him To go through the McCarthy hurricane with his popularity seemingly undiminished was no mean political feat for a man who has called himself a political ama teur career may stand or fall on something not directly connected with politicians at all or instance a decision he made on a crisis Asia might win re election or wreck him IVIaqnavox Washington orcign aid chief Harold Stassen faced questioning today about a Paki stan grain storage project that brought him into controversy with senators The public hearing before the Senate Investigations subcommit tee may provide a test of a agreement reached Mon day between Stassen and Chair man McClellan (D Ark) McClellan previously had ac cused Stassen of tossing "road in the path of the subcom search for the facts about complaints that the oreign Opera tions Administration was preparing to award a contract for Pakistan grain elevators to a California firm Magnavox IXTRA value PERORMANCE EATURES Super Dependable Chassii 16000 Volts Picture Power 41 Megacycle I Amplifier inest VHP Cascode UH Tcleramic Tuners Convenience Top Tuning Omni Directional Speaker a Area Selector Switch SEE A PROO DEMONSTRATION Bv BOB THOMAS US VEGAS Nev Wl Where does Mario Lanza go from here? That was the question the show world pondered today after the tenor failed to appear and was fired from the world's highest sal aried night club date The Hotel New rontier yesterday canceled contract which called for $190000 for two weeks of singing twice a night 1 Lanza his wife Betty their four children and two nurses were scheduled to motor back to Holly wood today The rest of their en tourage pulled out last night A friend reported Lanza was heartbroken by his failure to keep the date The reason is more than professional He expected to use the $100000 to rent a new house Heavily in debt to the government for past income taxes he now plans to rent an apartment or the past three months he has been living in Palm Springs and pre paring for the abortive night club engagement "He was in a good mood and talking very a close friend said remarked that he guessed 'that motion pictures is my Lanza apparently will go back to the movies He is upder con tract to Warner Bios for the James Cain story "Serenade" The cause of his pullout from the much publicized show here is still clouded A local doctor ex amined him early yesterday morn ing and said he was in physical shape to sing But a meeting of his backers decided that he could not sing last night The Hotel New rontier's bosses then ruled that his contract had been broken Sub stitutes from other shows on the Las Vegas Strip have filled in for him while tire hotel negotiated for a new star THE LAWTON (OKLA) CONSTITUTION Wednesday Evening April 6 1955 lx It Retexturing Adds new to your garments Note their softness end newness! Lanza uture Is Pondered By Show olk Exclusive BEST CLEANERS 613 Ave We Give Green Stamps Eden Well Trained or His New Job Howard Howard INSURANCE 621 Avenue Phone 103 a DRAMATICALLY AND YEARS "AHEAD 1 A fc'ACi 7 in Style inest Peliormincr Newell By ALVIN STEINKOP LONDON It ever a man was trained to be prime minister of Great Britain that man is Sir An thony Eden or more than half of his 57 years Eden has been a member I of the House of Commons or about a quarter of a century he has been the fair haired boy of the Conservative party Most everyone including Eden himself i felt that someday he must become prime minister But for years historic personali ties stood between him and the top irst there was Prime Minis ter Stanley Baldwin who man aged the abdication of King Ed ward Vni and took an affection ate interest in Eden's future Then there was Neville Chamberlin ad vocate of appeasem*nt with whom Eden disagreed inally there was' Winston Churchill Eden labored for him with selfless loyalty Churchill re warded him several years ago by unofficially naming him his "heir Now Eden steps into his heri tage master of 10 Downing St Problems hammer constantly at the door of No 10 Peace or war cold or hot East or West the seven seas the British Common wealth socialism and how much of it coexistence with the Commu nists the atomic age relations with the new Prime Min ister is bound to be about the busi est man in Britain He will need the health and strength which were restored to him in a Boston hospital in 1953 The British themselves are giv ing him a new scrutiny He has been on the scene and in the pa pers since 1923 when he first came up to Parliament from Learning ton He was the promising young man a hustling man who got things done smoothly and served his prime ministers and his coun try in highly important but ip somewhat junior capacities Like the Prince of Walt (now Duke of Windsor) before him there was a tendency to think of him as be ing perpetually young and not yet quite ready for major responsibili ties 1 ail over In their new appraisal the Brit ish see superficially and first of all just about the most present able man the Commonwealth He has i a het temper under neath but the first impression is one of easy charm He has been everywhere He has seen just about everything He fought in landers like most Englishmen of his age There was no easy command for Capt went over the top Consult De On 1954 INCOME TAX RETURNS In Business tn Lawton since 1936! Darrel Evans Magnavox Television S00 for Only per week 21 East German Railroad Workers Reported On Verge Of Revolt BERLIN Repressive new Communist 1 a i have brought railway workers in soviet Germany to inc vetge of revolt against their Red masters the anti Communist ree said Tuesday night The western organization said guards have been reinforced at all main railway stations in the Soviet ztone ana at the traltic ministry in Red Berlin The regulations which took effect riday imposed a rigid schedule on railway work ers who now must wait four to six hours after work for a train home 41 Ike Dampens Critics With Cool Attitude SAES DESKS ILES CHAIRS SUPPLIES PRINTING 5(19 Ave Phone 2079 READ THIS Is your picture dim and dull are you faced with the expense of replacing your picture tube in the near future? If so listen to this: $17050 ONLY 7 with VHP Tuner dfyhtly bihtruifh Uftp PITTSBURGH PAINTS SEE ARMERS LUMBER COMPANY 21M Avenue Phoae 8294 CROOK TELEVISION SERVICE 506 Lee Blvd Phone 5200 PURCELL' ASHER i 1SBB Vjv if' Aw JiflMg i Jwl i ry rx pl pjr I rIPI: I 1 1 Wlk 1 MWZ a 1 'u Al 6 5 I I a 51 I 4 A 4 1 1 1 I I 1 II MVUlL Mejriiira II II I rlhinAmh MjuB I ro" i sz 3 ShirSi TL Tv MHWIHLUX hl WE: 1 'M I 1 77 kw'ol 4 KM I MMMr CT I I CS i.

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.