Tarot, Astrology and the US Election (2024)

Tarot, Astrology and the US Election (1)

Tarot, Astrology and the US Election (2)


  • June 29, 2024
  • Blog


The astrology and Tarot for the US 2024 election starring Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom. Donald Trump has no reliable natal chart. What we do know, though, is that Mercury Retrograde is coming.

The US Election, Astrology and Tarot

The astrological charts for President Joe Biden, Vice-President Kamala Harris and Governor Gavin Newsom are all A-rated and appear at the end of this prediction about the US election, astrology and Tarot.

Donald Trump has given two conflicting birthdates to the authorities and so his chart is not fit for purpose. However for both myself and Fox News’ chosen psychic Paula Roberts, the Tarot has confirmed loss for him.

Tarot, Astrology and the US Election (3)Pluto in Aquarius

Beyond individual charts, the biggest factor in any prediction is Pluto cycles. Pluto is power.

We are now entering Pluto in Aquarius for some 20 years. Aquarius is the diverse group, made up of women and men, sharing equal space.

That’s not remotely Donald Trump who has been found guilty of falsifying business records to cover up an affair with p*rn star Stormy Daniels. He is yet to pick his running partner as Vice-President but the field at the moment is all male. So that’s not Pluto in Aquarius either. Every time we have this cycle, women rise.

(Trump Image: Dreamstime).

Lining Up the Biden, Harris and Newsom Charts

If we are to see Biden step down in favour of Harris and/or Newsom, when is that likely to be? For timing we go to the charts. (Image: Shutterstock).

Tarot, Astrology and the US Election (4)America has Mercury at 0 Capricorn. That’s the President. She also has Aesculapia at 0 Aquarius. That’s both the Republican and Democrat parties. Capricorn is the top job. Aquarius is the group.

If we zero in on that 0 degree, we find it is really close to the 1 degree pattern in the Kamala Harris chart.

Kamala has her MC at 1 Pisces, IC at 1 Virgo and Mercury at 1 Scorpio. We allow one degree’s difference in modern astrology, so that’s a connection.

Gavin Newsom has Apollo at 0 Libra. This ties into the charts for America and Harris. How about Biden?

Joe Biden has the South Node at 0 Pisces, Moon at 0 Taurus, North Node at 0 Virgo, Cupido at 1 Sagittarius, Neptune at 1 Libra.

When we see action in the heavens at 0, 1 degrees, we will see all three charts start to spin. Fate is at work. I know there are other contenders for the presidency, but let’s start with these three players.

The Mercury Retrograde Election

This will be a Mercury Retrograde election so our future U.S. president may be left dangling. Mercury Retrograde Shadow begins near 7th November, turns backwards on 26th November, then retraces his steps from 15th December before finally ending the stuck loop on 3rd January 2025.

We’ve been here before, in America, on Mercury Retrograde elections. Bush, Gore and the infamous recount of 2000 is a good example.

Tarot, Astrology and the US Election (5)Timing for Biden, Harris and Newsom

Astrology does not control people like puppets. We have no idea what these three Democrats will do, with their life choices. (Image: Shutterstock).

However, as we see transits fall into place at 0, 1 degrees, they must all meet a major crossroads. For Newsom it is about the partnership of president and vice-president – and also about his rivals.

For Biden it is about his health as well as his workload – and again – his partnership with Harris and his rivals. For Harris it is about her workload and her health. The latter is something we don’t know about.

Pluto at 0, 1 Aquarius in 2024 is the background to all this. Pluto is about power. At 0, 1 Aquarius this planet sticks fast until 2nd September. So a reshuffle within the Democrats has to happen by 2nd September, at the latest. I am publishing this on 29th June 2024 so that’s the next two months.

Mercury Retrograde in July and August 2024

I mentioned the Mercury Retrograde cycle which dominates the November election. The winner may be left hanging. There is a second Mercury Retrograde in July and August.

Mercury does in fact cross 0, 1 Virgo twice. This happens near July 26th, 27th, 28th and again on August 13th, 14th, 15th. The final repeat is September 9th, 10th.

This kind of chaos is typical of leadership challenges. Near July 26th, 27th, 28th and August 13th, 14th, 15th, the Democrats will deal with the biggest challenges involving Biden, Harris and Newsom.

This is because we find Pluto Retrograde at 0 Aquarius and Mercury Retrograde at 0 Virgo. Basic astrology.

Of course, when you have flux in the Democrats you have flux with the Republicans. Their chess moves will affect the game that the Republicans play. Also backwards and sideways. July and August see messy chess.

What Does the Tarot Say?

I’ve had a more detailed look at the Tarot on my Substack, but I drew the Knight of Pentacles a long time ago, to point to the winner of the 2024 election.

Here he is. What do you think? Gavin Newsom is the California Governor. He was Mayor of San Francisco. This nods to the knight’s helmet. If you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.

He has a laptop computer or notebook on his saddle. Newsom wrote a book on digital technology. That might just be a vineyard behind him. His winery? He began life as a rich businessman. What do you see in the card?

Tarot, Astrology and the US Election (6)

Astrology Charts for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom

If you want to see the remarkable line-up of factors at 0, 1 degrees in all three charts, and the astrology chart for the USA too – here they are. There are several competing astrology charts for America but this is the only one I have ever found to work.

It’s proven itself with both Trump’s impeachment and his Covid-19 infection. Most recently it’s proven itself with the Stormy Daniels case. All those are confirmed predictions on my site.

All the natal charts for Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom use AstroGold software and use the Natural House System, also known as Zero Aries. The data is from Astrodienst and is A or AA rated.
Main Image: Shutterstock.

Tarot, Astrology and the US Election (7)

Tarot, Astrology and the US Election (8)

Tarot, Astrology and the US Election (9)

Tarot, Astrology and the US Election (10)

Tarot, Astrology and the US Election (11)

Jessica Adams

Jessica Adams B.A.. has written horoscopes for Elle, Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Bloomingdale’s and Marie Claire during a global career as a professional astrologer. Her astrology books include Astrolove, Handbag Horoscopes and 2020 Vision (Penguin) and the #1 Amazon bestseller 2020 Astrology – Your Five Year Horoscope Guide. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. She lives in Tasmania, Australia and edits The Holiday Goddess Guide to Paris, London, New York and Rome (HarperCollins).

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Tarot, Astrology and the US Election

The astrology and Tarot for the US 2024 election starring Kamala Harris, Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom. Donald Trump has no reliable natal chart. What we do know, though, is that Mercury Retrograde is coming.

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29 June 202442 Comments

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42 Responses

  1. Jessica. Thank you for your insight! As I watched the debate last night, I thought. Oh my. I hope Jessica looks into this. Feels very frightening in the US right now. How are so many people snookered by Trump?
    Thank you again for all you do! I love your site! Bless you ❤️


    1. Thank you. Yes, the Washington Post reports that at the end of June 2024, Donald Trump is leading in 6 of the 7 battleground states that are most likely to determine the outcome of the election. The astrology is clear that from 2025 onwards (when the White House new direction begins) power is with the people. It is Pluto (the control) in Aquarius (the diverse group) that rules. History tells us this is the cycle when women share the reins or hold them. The most famous examples are Boudicca and Elizabeth I. That’s not Trump. Not by a long shot. I always cleave to astrology and history, not the polls.


  2. Hi Jessica,
    I recall seeing this months ago and I shared your sentiment that Newsom will step up and replace Biden and win the Presidency. However I just wanted to know if Kamala Harris will be his VP and if not who do you see stepping up? And will Nikki Hayley replace Trump, because I believe she will be.
    Have a good day.

    1. Nikki Haley is an interesting one. She would fit the ‘women rise to power’ trend we always see with Pluto in Aquarius. Were Donald to be imprisoned, ill or even simply not here any more, she would be a natural choice. We have no idea if the Newsom/Harris/Biden/USA patterns are going to give us a Newsom-Harris ticket. That’s really up to them. But it would be an easy sell. Kamala Harris paired with Joe Biden won an enormous victory last time. Harris and a younger Democrat, taking on the existing Biden-Harris policies, would seem like continuity to a lot of people. But – the choices are those of the participants. All astrology can give are the dates and the issues.


  3. Hi Jessica, your post inspired me to try my hand at this prediction. I got the tower followed by the 10 of pentacles. Change of candidate followed by a couple who bring calm and prosperity. I like Kamala in the role of lead on that ticket, just instinctively looks like the chart that melds best of those with the US chart. Not that I really know much about how to read charts so instinct is the key word… disclaimer! Her Jupiter looks good for prosperity -coins- this year, doesn’t it? And your knight… she has been faithful in her support of Biden, in the shadow of the president, which is where VPs are meant to be.


    1. The Tower is the end of security within a home or work space. I assume you were asking ‘Who will win the US election?’ This may be Trump Tower, receiving the lightning bolt, with two people thrown out. Do those two, Melania and Donald win? It seems unlikely. The people hurled out of the tower may not survive the experience, or if they do – may leave the scene. It’s hard to say more as this was not my question nor my reading. You then drew a second card, the Ten of Pentacles. This is three generations surrounded by money. You are identifying that as Kamala Harris, which is your interpretation. By the way – you only ever need draw one Tarot card for a question.


  4. Hi Jessica,
    Hope you are well. Here in the United States, I’m avoiding watching television as a result of Thursday night. I did listen, however to your podcast as I always do on Friday nights, and wanted to tell you that more than ever before I felt like you were talking about me, especially as it pertains to Cancer weather and oppositions and people with Taurus and Cancer factors. I’ve been dreading the thought of Pluto retrograding back to Capricorn and setting up the t square with my Uranus/ Diana in Cancer and Neptune / Moon in Libra ( which is why I’m going to stay single the rest of my life). I know it’s just a couple more months but now Ceres is there to boot and this toxic run up to the election is creating negative vibes and tension down to smallest of towns. The ripples of the strife from the top are everywhere. I know it’s just a couple of months but any tips on how to manage would be greatly appreciated since it had improved greatly but since Pluto retrograde stated indications are that’s it’s sliding back into very negative territory.
    For the heck of it I pulled a card asking who will win the election and got nine swords- Joe Biden, with his gray hair? Or all of us having nightmares about it? I asked for clarification and pulled nine wands- again, Joe Biden? Or all of us? No red haired guys showed up at least. As for Newsome and Harris, not sure there could be two from same state.
    Thanks again.


    1. Thank you. It’s extremely unusual to see Pluto going back to Capricorn and Ceres going backwards in Capricorn too. Issues about career (Capricorn) and home (Cancer) have been in the background since 2008 and this is the last time you will ever experience them like this for another 248 years. We have US, UK and French elections ahead, during this cycle. Thus the intensity. Pluto is about people feeling disempowered and hoping for power. Ceres is about being in control, or feeling controlled. The hotspots for Pluto are 29 Capricorn, 29 Cancer and for Ceres, 7 to 21 Capricorn and 7 to 21 Cancer. You have Diana at 29 Cancer and Juno at 21 Capricorn. That part of you which needs freedom, space and autonomy at home, with house or apartment questions, with your family, with your household, in your town, with your homeland – is being pushed. That part of you which seeks commitment with your career, unpaid work or academic career is also being pushed. You will really notice the relief and release when Pluto finishes his transit at 29 Capricorn and Ceres signs off from 29 Capricorn too, so that’s December 7th 2024. Tension is very common because an opposition is like a tug of war. Even a conjunction (when Ceres at 21 Capricorn is next to Juno at 21 Capricorn) can feel intense because it’s like having two appliances plugged into the same socket. Managing is just common sense. Avoid major moves in either direction, career or home, as there are easier times. You would be profoundly affected by the US election as Cancer rules your hometown and homeland. Pluto and Ceres in opposition to your Diana in Cancer must feel like your lifelong need to feel free and autonomous is being pushed. The opposition in astrology is like an opposition in football. You play to your strengths and push back. Doing so reminds you what your strengths are. However to reduce the tension of the tug of war (it was used in the Tang Dynasty to train warriors) try not to engage with anyone/anything which represents the other side to you. So, for example, you would not take on a classic Pluto in Capricorn politician, or businessman, or corporation. Of course some people relish the training and will gladly engage in a tug of war to become more powerful (which is what Greek soldiers did). Your card for the election winner shows the Nine of Swords. That is someone who cannot sleep for worry, despite having won, as he or she anticipates battles ahead and is remembering battles past. I guess that shows the reality of being the US president!


  5. The Knight of Pentacles….the knight in shining armor coming to the rescue. Lots of sunshine. Holding the star. Looks like Newsome to the rescue.


  6. My husband got in involved with local politics in our small NY town in 2023 and it’s been a roller coaster. He has sun 0 Aquarius, so pluto is and will be conjuncting that for years and Mars 0 Cancer and Vx 0 Cancer. I feel that what is happening in our small town reflects what is happening in our nation and I can only hope that truth will triumph and the people in my town can evolve. Next up, Pluto will conjunct my moon at 5 Aquarius and then his Mercury at 9 Aquarius…pray for us!


  7. I very closely follow US politics. Saw a recent video from Alan Lichtman who has correctly called most presidential elections in the last few decades – paraphrasing what he said – Republicans have no morales, Democrats have no spine. One stumble in one debate and the Dems want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. It’s true that Biden didn’t have a good night but the following day at a rally in NC he was all fireworks. And the presidency is hardly a solo endeavor – Biden has a great team around him and has managed to implement a LOT during his first term. He and his comms team need to tout his record of accomplishments much more, and much more loudly. Kitchen table issues like healthcare, education, reducing inflation, housing, and the like are what will win the day,

    Lichtman said in the video that the Dems will lose if they replace Biden now. I feel we are in an especially shaky phase right now on all fronts – economically, socially, politically, culturally. We need continuity if we want to save the US from another Trump term. I realize it says he is leading the polls but – young people do not take polls, and the millions of young folks now of voting age, I believe, will turn this tide in the Dems favor. Once the next four years are secured, I believe there may be some changing of the guard and that is fine – I could see an eventual 1-2 terms with Harris as President and Newsom as VP assuming people across the US can stomach two leaders from California at the top – not everyone is a fan of the state nor its politics – and then a 1-2 terms with Newsom as president and someone like Pete Buttegieg as VP. Fingers crossed the Dem win – and hope that the undecided/swing voters realize that sitting this one out or voting for an independent candidate essentially casts a vote for Trump.

    And to all our friends here around the globe, please pray for the US, we need it. We’re trying our best to rid the stain of you know who.


    1. amen sister


  8. Oh My God they are all terrible, Newsome has DESCIMATED California and Kamala is a nimwit. There is no hope for the USA.


  9. I always see Biden winning in 2024. But I don’t see him completing the full term of 4 years. I think he gets in, stays for about 2 years or even less, then steps down because of health issues, which will make Kamala Harris be president. That’s my interpretation when I look at the charts.


  10. Very interesting Jessica! I like RFK myself, but can he win against all those corporate owned parties/people? Hm. When I pulled a card for the next President, – I got the 5 of pentacles. Someone who has been cast out/left out or who is going through a pretty rough time. Pray to god it isn’t Trump. Thanks for all you do, love your work.


    1. Thank you I have answered you elsewhere.


  11. Interesting. When I pulled a card for next President, I got the 5 of pentacles – someone who has been cast out/left out or is going through a rough time. I personally like RFK Jr but he is up against corporate owned people and parties, and he has a history of going after both corporations and the government, particularly for the environment. This election feels like an absolute wild card. I hope your prediction about Trump being DONE as President is as accurate as all of your others! He had his chance, as did Biden, and both made our national debt higher than all the past President’s combined.
    Thanks for all you do!


    1. The Five of Pentacles shows two people, both unwell, one on crutches, struggling in the snow. Behind them a church window shows glittering coins. So that is your next president of the US. This is your card not mine so the interpretation is yours. One person is on crutches which is quite dramatic. The US chart shows the decline and fall of the president and has done, since Trump was elected actually. And that’s exactly what has happened. There is still further to fall.


  12. Hi Jessica,
    I hope you are well. Thank you for this post, excellent timing as always. As you mentioned ” Pluto in Aquarius and every time we have this cycle. Women Rise” . Could this woman actually be Gretchen Whitmer DOB 23/08/71 @ 8.51pm Lansing Michigan USA . Governor of Michigan since 2019. ?
    Not sure that I see her linked with the Knight of Pentacles but I would be interested in your thoughts and insight overall

    Many thanks


    1. The Knight of Pentacles is very definitely a man. Pamela Colman Smith illustrated Queen, King, Knight and Page so the court is either male or female. So that’s not Ms. Whitmer. Not this election anyway.


  13. Hi Jessica,

    Gavin Newsom is interesting. He fought to reform horse racing in California to protect the horses, so could it be a racecourse behind the Knight of Pentacles? Or he’s wearing a baseball helmet – he got into uni on a partial baseball scholarship!


    1. Thank you for this new detail. Yes, Gavin Newsom did warn that time was up for horse racing (and was drawn riding a dark horse by cartoonists). I like the baseball helmet comparison too. It does in fact bear a strong resemblance to the knight’s steel helmet.


  14. Hi Jessica, Thank you for this post. Holding out all hope for a big shift as we got more disturbing news in the U.S. today. After the supreme court ruling on immunity, we are in scary times indeed. If Trump is re-elected the safeguards that kept him (partially) in check last time, will be gone.

    On a personal note, I am trying to figure out whether to get more engaged in my business (which my brother currently runs primarily). My son is looking at getting involved and I want to support him and make sure some changes are made to support the next generation in our business. I have a very hard time working with my brother’s wife who also works there and he is having a hard time reigning her in for the benefit of the business. Wondering if there is anything in my chart that could provide better clarity on my part about the best way forward. Feeling conflicted. My brother is a last degree Pisces and my son is Virgo born on 9-18-85. Thank you for any insights you might have.


    1. I have been correct in my psychic astrology predictions about Donald for some years now, from impeachment to Covid-19 infection. He is rather like the Status Quo song, Down, Down from 1974. I’m afraid you can’t act like Pluto in Capricorn and expect to last long, when Pluto is out of Capricorn for another 248 years in November. Your question for yourself is Scorpio and Eighth House (family, business, money). Your brother’s wife is a problem. You are a Sun Pisces so let’s start there. You have the South Node in Libra in your Eighth House until January 2025. There is karma going back there with finance, business, valuables, charity or property some 18-19 years ago. Same faces or different faces – you owe, or are owed. Thus you may find your situation with your son, brother’s wife and brother is stuck until January. It will go around in circles because that is the way the South Node moves, backwards. What about your birth chart? You were born with Neptune at 8 Scorpio in the Eighth House of family finance, in opposition to Fortuna at 7 Taurus in the Second House of personal income. This describes inner conflict about your values, your life budget, and his/hers/theirs and it is lifelong. Hang a price tag on peace of mind and see what you would pay. I’m afraid any time you have transits to 8 Scorpio and 7 Taurus, that inner conflict will be triggered. You can validate this astrology by using the Tarot, Astrology Oracle and Garden Oracle. Eventually Pluto will go to 7, 8 Aquarius and create a T-Square, so some years into the future, there is already an issue waiting. You may want to act now to minimise that.


  15. Hi Jessica: Yesterday, the US Supreme Court just handed Trump a big victory in the realm of presidential immunity which will drive a stake in the heart of his federal cases involving classified documents and election interference. This is the most biased and corrupt SCOTUS the US has ever had (Thomas and Alito in particular). I wish I could hope that Trump will see justice but too many Americans are now so completely brainwashed by right-wing media that they are incapable of seeing the truth. Is there a way to get a reading on the SCOTUS and if it can ever re-achieve judicial excellence? If Trump is going down, he sure is going to have a soft landing!


    1. Don’t worry Kris, this is just Ceres Retrograde in Capricorn. Ceres is power and control. Retrograde is backwards and forwards. Capricorn is the top job – the presidency. It ends on 7th December. Before you get there, Pluto Retrograde goes back into Capricorn, September-November, and leaves for 248 years just as America votes. All this nonsense goes nowhere. If anything it has only served to reboot Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, which is entirely in tune with the astrology. We are heading for the rise of women over the next 20 years. Pluto goes into Aquarius; the same transit that gave the world Boudicca, Bloody Mary and Good Queen Bess. No soft landing for Donald and Melania; as I said – it’s a Status Quo song from 1974.


  16. Newsom is not in the running. It’s only speculation. Robert Kennedy Jr, however is, with gaining poll numbers. Why is he continually overlooked I wonder?


    1. I’ve written about Kennedy on my Substack in some detail and the Kennedy family, here.


  17. I don’t know what to say. The polls are everywhere. It’s too chaotic


  18. Thank you Jessica! I was worried that Pluto going back into to Capricorn September – November would give Trump a boost for the election. Also the fact that Pluto just arrived in Aquarius (relatively speaking). But if I understand you correctly, he has no help from Pluto In Capricorn anymore, am I correct? Thank you for discussing this. There are so many of us in this country that are truly terrified of Trump being president again!


    1. It’s very true that Pluto goes back into Capricorn in September, October, November. It’s a fascinating question. Does this empower Donald Trump, or is this the beginning of the end? I suggest the latter. Pluto is going backwards even as he begins. This is rather like a dogged mountaineer attempting the ascent of Everest one more time, as the mountain crumbles. Pluto is the dominating, controlling, obsessive, seductive, powerful man. Actually, the ruler of the underworld. Capricorn sees him play out his life in the system, the establishment, the hierarchy. What happens when that system is rapidly fading from view, like a disappearing watercolour in the rain? I believe we will see the man in the picture (Donald) and the picture itself (the old White House set-up) fade from view even as we look at them. The Tarot picture shows a cleared landscape. New soil for new growth. Whatever was there has gone. If you go back to the card you will see it.


  19. There is a whole Dem contigent that fight the notion that the first woman would be pushed aside for Gavin. I think that is why Biden holds on. I think he planned to resigned within the first year after the election so she would be president. I think they have to give it to her, if Biden resigns. If he resigns now, she would be the incumbent. She would go into the election as president.


  20. A Washington insider told me that there is a serious rallying up of a coalition of democrats who want Joe Manchin to run as the Democratic nominee, to bring together the centrists and the democrats and disaffected republicans. I was shocked as he’s the one who scuppered several of Biden’s key policies, he’s not pro-environment as he’s from West Virginia and its coal industry is big, plus he’s 78! But as a centrist maybe this is Pluto in Aquarius for now, bringing the people together in the middle? As for the Knight of Pentacles, he’s a man, he supported the horse racing industry, would have huge donor support, and maybe the landscape is the coal fields of W Virginia rather than a vineyard! Plus old posters from a previous campaign had him sitting on a motorcycle with a helmet on! Makes his legs look short too!


    1. Thank you. Manchin does seem like a fit for the Knight of Pentacles, right down to his helmet and short legs. In Tarot, though, we have an age system with Queen, King, Knight and Page. As you might imagine, a knight is younger than a king. Manchin at 78 is far too old to be a knight. And, in fact, represents Pluto in Capricorn (the power with the old white men at the top) and traditional patriarchy. What is coming is so very different, to that.


  21. Further to my Joe Manchin comment earlier, I just looked up his chart and his Sun is at 0 Virgo! Healing/serving the nation? I can’t quite believe it (was firmly in the Newsom camp) but I do now think it will be him! Has several factors in Leo though… would love your thoughts.


    1. Looking at the bigger picture, which is Pluto (the power) in Aquarius (the people) your Joe Manchin is another older white man who is part of the Pluto in Capricorn (patriarchy) system. So I’m afraid he’s not right for these times. Pluto in Aquarius is with us for another 20 years. He is a good fit for the Knight of Pentacles though. I’ve replied to you here, about that.


  22. Hi Jessica, hope you are well! Can you share your insights on the future of Netanyahu and how things will end up for him?
    It is horrifying to see the daily happenings in Gaza and the nightmare keeps getting worse. When will they have any reprieve?



    1. The bigger picture is radical border change with Gaza and Israel to come, starting slowly in 2025. That’s Uranus (the revolution) in Gemini (the neighbours). Any politician or group standing in the way of that, will not last. Hope will build for change with the so-called Iron Wall until June 2025 with Jupiter in Gemini (Jupiter ruling optimism) then you will see the extreme results far beyond 2030. The last time we saw this cycle, Germany split into two. New neighbours. Gaza on the world map is at the heart of this.


  23. Hello Jessica.
    Things seem very bleak right now. Countries all around the world seem poised to elect dictators and take away women’s rights. Right now, Biden looks to be thrown out by his own party over one bad debate, while Trump coasts along with one victory after another in his court cases. The world that you predict where dictators and the so called conservatives loose power seems less likely by the day.
    Do I believe that people will rise up? Eventually. But I suspect that America will likely be destroyed (if not in name, then in spirit) before that happens. I am American, and I just don’t see how you can be right. Unless a miracle happens, how can you possibly see Trump and his ilk simply fading away?
    Honestly, with problems in world population and global warming already demanding decisive action, we simply can’t afford anymore years of Trump or those like him. So if what you are saying is really going to come to pass, at what point astrologically will we be able to see it?


    1. What you are seeing is the final end of Pluto (power) in Capricorn (old white men at the top) and it is typically a time of turmoil. History and astrology give us so many examples of this cycle, which repeats every 248 years. The most famous example is Henry VIII who killed his wives, wanted only a male heir (girls need not apply) and seemed impossible to stop. Then a twist of fate replaced him with not just one, but two women. So don’t worry about Donald. Or the many actors who play Putin. They are part of a crumbling world. You simply do not have Pluto in Aquarius (power for all the people) and preserve patriarchy. And Donald is the patriarchy.


  24. Hi Jessica , can you share your insight on Trump’s trials after the disappointing ruling on immunity by the Supreme Court ? Also on the fate of five right wing justices .Clarence Thomas who is corrupt his wife supported Jan 6th insurrection.
    will the ruling on immunity be reversed in future ?


    1. Thank you. Well the astrology has form with Thomas. Two years before it happened, on Twitter, I predicted February 2024 would be a crisis for him and that he may not remain in the Supreme Court. That month, Democrats attacked Justice Clarence Thomas for not recusing himself from a Supreme Court case over Trump’s ballot eligibility under the 14th Amendment. Will the ruling on immunity be reversed? Yes.


Tarot, Astrology and the US Election (2024)
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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.