Corpus Christi Caller-Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2025)

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Corpus Christi Caller-Timesi

Corpus Christi, Texas

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PAGE TWO A2Saturday August 19 1995 Today Texas Lottery results HAPPY BIRTHDAY Huff Aug IS: 17-18-26-36-41-43 Correct South Texas high school student who are voiun- Recently introduced: a day to talk about whafs on their mind Sports cover A colorful visual ce for Sunday comics fans I be in the papsr on Sept 10 Magic Ey leering or earning salaries Every Friday in 14219 of! 0 $40000000 Soil 263 S1849 4of6 16153 $106 302136 $3 In the Works I Author Ring Lardner Jr is 80 I Jockey Willie Shoemaker is 164 Tennis coach I Renee Richards is 1 61 President I Clinton is 49 Tipper Gore the wife of Vice President Al Gore is 47 Actor Gerald McRancy is 47 Actor Adam Aikin is 39 Tennis player Mary Joe Fernandez is 24 Military Parade Features and briefs on military life in the Coastal Bend Thursday Local section PageBl Political Puls A look at what Entertainment A look at local weekend! Estimated jackpot tor next drawing: $60 mMon Thlk An Inside look at developments in the business com--m unity Sundays on the Business cover Expanded entertainment calendar Weekend magazine will be adding more to its weekly calendar in a redesigned format rnasi! the political talking tion Page about Sunday Local section See What's Up i ana Saturdays) B1 Sundays on the Living cover Aug II: 0-6-1 Exact order peya $500 Any order peye $80 Expanded Tkjano coverage A more comprehensive look at the bands and the musk: they're releasing Fridays In Weekend NO KIDDING Restaurant reviews Critiques of 5 Coastal Bend restaurants' food service and atmosphere Every Friday in Weekend! Cal the CaMer-THnee Lotto Una at category Numbara updated on night of i Economic A factoid tracks performance in key business Top gin First Caller-Times editors provide for grade schoolers a daily easy-to-read synopsis of news developments Local section Page B2 Scrabble and Jumble reader favorites have returned to John Wesley Hardin: deadliest killer of the Old West-x locally Tuesday Saturday through! Power ratings expanded weekend took in Sports at now col- on the Business cover Ethics A Religion Michael McManus explores I world of faith and beliefs Every the daily comics pages lege and professional teams match up on paper before they play Internet homo page Join the thousands who have connected with the Caller-Times on the Internet The official startup will be in late August IN THE News 1868 -killed 4 men at age 15 1869 -killed 3 men 1870 -killed 1 man 1871 -killed 11 men 1872 -killed no one 1873 -killed 2 men 1 874- killed 1 man x-Arrested in 1877 paroled after serving 17 of 25 years Soane: "Bloodletters and Badn i Line A directory of phone numbers on The Line the Catter-Tlmes' voice-information system to hear samples of the hottest music Every Friday in 14219 Day Trip at-a-glance look at a destination for weekend trips Whafs happening how to get there ana more Braty Friday in Weekend magazine Summer Journal Profiles of Coming Up Saturday on the Religion page Sports Sound Off get an open line to the sports department 24 hours Health Starting Aug 21 readers can call The Line to obtain Sunday Sampler Synopses of articles and other information from magazines health tips and news from Caller-Times Medical 1 HIGHLIGHTS IN HISTORY Ready aim fifed Cartoonist Charles Schulz has fired his business manager of 25 years saying that it had nothing to do with the love-triangle shooting at head 78 condoms Tabloid: Presley to divorce Jackson Trip to Paris with 2 boys reportedly angered pop wife give suspect indigestion quarters in Santa Rosa Calif cant help what people think" Schulz said Thursday noth In 1812 the USS Constitu tion also known as defeated the British frigate Guerricre in a naval battle east of Nova Scotia during the War of 1811 In 1848 the New York Her- aid reputed the discovery of gold in California In 1929 the comedy program "Amos and Andy starring Freeman Gosden and CharieJ Cornell made its network radio debut on NBC In 1934 a plebiscite in i many approved the vesting sole executive power in Hitler as fuhrer In I960 a tribunal in Moscow convicted American U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers of espied ing The business Associated Preu LAREDO Customs agents say they took a Tanzanian native into custody when he tried to cross die border into the United States They became suspicious they said when Hamidu Sanyagi Yunus 33 told them he was a native of Rhode Island 1994 "Never believe the tabloid garbage" said waste your time In story the Minor said Jackson took two brothers ages 1 1 and 14 to Disneyland Paris and then Switzerland Jackson "is an old the paper quoted their father as saying The newspaper published a photograph of Jackson his fiice covered with a suigicakype mask apparently walking through an airport with two boys wearing track suits and baseball caps thdr heads bowed Schulx Associated Press LONDON Angered that Michael Jackson took two boys on a recent trip to Paris Lisa Marie Presley wants a divorce after just IS months of marriage a newspaper reputed Friday In a front-page story the Daily Afimor tabloid quoted an unidentified Presley aide a saying "Lisa Marie thought she loved the guy but now she thinks she can never get dose to him "She was really angry when he went abroad with the small boys" the aide was quoted as telling second-hugest newspaper Asked about the report Jackson publicist Lee Solters in Los Angeles said Friday know nothing about Answering questions on the Internet Thursday night Jackson denied the reput that his wife has contacted lawyers to get a "quickie next month in the Dominican Republic where the couple wed in May His ID was Sake they said and they hospitalized him under close watch when he became sick Soon Yunus was accused of having ingested cocaine in an attempt to smuggle it into the United States manager Ron Nelson comment wife Shirley Nelson was charged with attempted murder in the July 5 shooting at 1 Snoopy Place studio Shirley Nelson wounded herself after shooting her husband twice in the back in an argument over his alleged affiur with a secretary at the studio police said Schulz 72 said that he is trying to reorganize his business to work more closely with his strip's In 1993 a 13-year-old boy claimed Jackson molested him during a five-month relationship The pop star denied the allegations and charged The boy and Jackson settled a lawsuit last year for a reported $15 million Both Santa Barbara and Los Angeles County investigators looked into the molestation allegations in 1993 1981 two US Navy F-14 jet fighters shot down a pair of Soviet-built Libyan SU-22s in i dogfight over the Gulf of Sidra toward the end of a two-day US naval exercise While Yunus was in the hospital officials said he passed 78 condoms filled with cocaine Member of the Associated Prca 3 The ollcr-Timos ouc Information SrrTTrc The Caller-Times Line is the latest in News and Information free 24 hours a day 1 To use the Line dial 886-4848 2 Choose any 4-digit category of information from any Touch-Tone phone Normal long-distance charges apply outside die Corpus Christi calling area To sponsor a category or for more information ciall 886-3649 All services ate updated frequently with the latest information A fr ft voLiia 60 Carpui Chriiti Caller-Time ISSN 0894-5365 Published daily by tha Calier-TimSS Publiihing Company w-f 820 Lower Broadway Corpua Chriiti Text 78401 I Second Clue poatage paid at Making gome noise Bobby Brows was cited for battery after allegedly kicking a hotel security guard sent to his room early Friday to check out noise complaints The singer and hus- Bband of Whitney EDITORS HOT UNE Laavt a masaaga for tha atMor LOTTO UNE 1013 Academy Window Coverings WEATHER UNE lb A upoMM on mgmov orawinQi Naltonal Forecast 2885 Corpue Chriiti Texas POSTMASTER: Sand changee I lorpua Chriiti Caliar-Timea P0 Corpua Chriiti Caliar-Timea P0 TEACHER UNE Sponsored By: ito: Baa 9136 Corpua Chriati Texaa 78469 1004 1000 1061 1062 1063 1066 1066 TCI Cabievision of Texas Inc 13 i Boston Chicago tW Sullivan Publiiher and President Lirrvlk Bogg Executive VkePteddent and General Cleveland DaHasFort Worth 1067 1068 Donvsr 1C Detroit 1070 1071 (SHamS HOSPITAL iiMMMCttcwraonoumw Honotuiu Houston guests complained about noise from a party Deputy Gabe Ramirez said The guard called authorities when Brown allegedly kicked him in the back Ramirez said Deputies issued a citation for battery which will require Brown 26 to appear in court at an unspecified date The deputies described him as cooperative Ramirez did not know if Houston was among those in the room I inonnopoM Kansas City LasVogas HQ KOCH David A House Vice President and Exacutive Editor Barry 1 Box Vice Resident Advertising Chuck Venetian Viet President OperationaDistribution Darrell Coleman Viet President Chief Financial Officer a A Baraum it Marketing A KOCH PEFNNG COMPANY Los Angelas Miami 1072 1275 1074 1075 1078 1077 1078 1079 1060 1061 1062 1278 1063 1064 NEWS Local 1010 MtoneapoflsSt Paul NaalwWa Now Oriaana NewYbrk Oklahoma City Orlando 1000 1001 Butinaas News 1002 Special Events 1291 Kristin Millet Vice President Human MtHMIHNHlCIIHiNMINMNNHNNMN OPINION UNE 1011 744S C-T HURRICANE HOTUNE 11046 SPORTS LINE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT: Subscriptions btfng 6836800 Delivery probtome 6836600 RedHKrery 683-3800 Radsivary horn: Mon -Fit -Bam -10 am SsL Sun 7arn-1 1am 1204 Contemporary Single Guiding Light On Lite Th Live LA Law City Line IMS Pittsburgh 1066 Portland 1067 Salt Lake City 1277 San Antonio 1278 8an Diego 1068 San Francisco 1069 Seattle 1000 8L Louie 1001 lhmpaSL RMaraburg 1092 TlavotorTa Forecast 1095 1093 Tha oty of Corpus Baby on the way A1 Roker pale blue bonnet in place wheeled up a flower-laden baby carriage on as Katie Cowfc announced on the air what her friends and family already knew: pregnant Cou-ric standing with co-anchor Matt Luar outside the NBC HOROSCOPE UNE i dsNvsry prtossQsRy snd Sunday 1 month 81285 3 months $3865' 6 months 8738C 12 months $14246 V- SOUTH TEXAS FOOTBALL 109 Local Sports lies Sports Report 1040 Sendees Una- 24S9 Pressl Services Press 2 -Programs Ptsm3-Imiim Press 4 -Employment Aquariua 1100 1101 1102 Back kam smNUi tit CMw-Tiim kttyr -683-1111 Arias Taurus College Top 26 Scoreboard 1045 NFL Footbal Report Scores 1042 NBA Report Scores 1044 NHL Rajxxt A Scores 1043 Bssobal Report Score 1041 MTERNATIONAL CITES Frankfurt Germany Hong Kong i rTi id Lonoon tnpana Montreal Canada PET CARE TVS -8000 1280 -1261 1282 1284 Gemini 8866673 i 886-3757 PEOPLE Sponsored bp DM FLOW GARRETTS M08UPETGARECUNC OF TEXAS 1103 1104 1106 -110B -1107 1030 Lao FBtflNG UNE Wsakand Magazine IS 12 Coutle Virgo Newipapari in EducUon 8883647 TV Channels 8883673 Libra Tokyo Japan Vsnoouvar 1280 1290 FMANCtALUNE Stock Market Report NYSE NEWS DEPARTMENT: CKy News 881 Scorpio 1108 Sagittarius 1100 Capricorn 1110 Pieces 1111 Tbdqr Bithdsy 1 12 -1015 -1016 1017 -1018 Center startup said that the baby is due in January "I know people think I need to lay off the jelly doughnuts cause they seen my waist in Couric told the TV audience as onlookers in the street behind her clutched white balloons AMEX Th Cavalcade of Comedy Joke of fee Day National Tabloid Newt 1161 -1162 1171 Am Uasare nlWMI Ivwws PEOPLE TVChanwii NASDAQ -3640 THE NUTRITION UNE Iby: 1019 1020 Bond Market vvaaKana RGapazioa 00 Features GAMES A TRIVIA UNE Star Fleet Commander i Treasure Quest General Quiz Quiz Precious Metals CommodMea Report 1021 1022 1181 1182 1191 Bualnaaa Nmr Sports Newt riaalk ueam Noocat STOCK QUOTE UNE 1003 mrormenon on Patonrtar nf visit i LegWaflve Issues MWMMUMIM OBITUARIES NBC Untight ABC Tonight CBSlbnight FOX Tonight Pay Cabin Tbnight TOP 10 TV Shows TV Sound Off 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1216 3068 3003 OTHER FEATURES B4CLUOE: iG(4)toQOtoanswc ms (5) to JUMP mar eunsnt Hbtmakni m3 (2) to go BACK to I (7) to REPUW Uses Acker symbol cods updated during market hours on a 15-mln delay basis by Associated Press See tha Business section tor codes Smal Business Information SOAP OPERA UNE Soaps updriad sriMn 10 nki a Al My Children AnOUltf lflrOnO lees Nows story ooniptiintuHJI PUBUC SERVICES: rw ref moongvtngaoamaniMN4i Pareomwl Job Una8884848 PEOPLE Sound Off 8884848 C) BUSINESS HOURS: 8am to 5pm Morxtoy-Fri 1250 1251 Sara Estraca Ruben Garcia Jr Mamie Klara MoeM Parkins Mary Rowel Marilyn Roackar Harman ScMeffor SwartyCg AugustjR! MUSIC UNE Country Singles OfflplB hmw Singles STORKS Grandpas Ghost Stories Children's Storybook CALLER-TMES FAST AD 1201 1202 1203 1222 1221 1252 -1263 1254 1256 As Tha World Rims The Bold 6 The Beautiful Osya of Our UmOlN nOipMi PERSONNEL JOB UNE -6627 We recycle.

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Corpus Christi Caller-Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2025)


How much is the Corpus Christi caller times? ›

*After 3 months, Sunday-Friday Print Delivery + Digital will be $35/month. The Sunday Only Print Delivery + Digital will be $19/month after 3 months. The Sunday + Friday Print Delivery + Digital will be $30/Month after 3 months. Not valid with any other Corpus Christi Caller Times offer.

Why is Corpus Christi so famous? ›

The large, shallow bay makes Corpus Christi an ideal feeding place for birds, which is one reason why Corpus Christi is known as the "Bird Capital" of North America.

Is Corpus Christi, Texas central time? ›

Time Zone in Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
Current:CDT — Central Daylight Time
Next Change:CST — Central Standard Time
Current Offset:UTC/GMT -5 hours
Difference:Same time as Wichita

What does the name Corpus Christi mean? ›

Middle English Corpus Christi "church festival of Corpus Christi," from Latin Corpus Christi, literally, "body of Christ"

Who owns Corpus Christi caller times? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

Is Corpus Christi Texas expensive? ›

The median home price in Corpus Christi is $257,499 with a median price per sqft of $158. The cost of living index for housing estimates the cost of housing in Corpus Christi to be 79.4% of the national average. This makes it one of the least expensive cities in the US.

What city in Texas is not in the Central Time Zone? ›

El Paso and a significant chunk of West Texas were officially placed in the Mountain Time Zone. In 1921, though, Congress changed its mind and placed all of Texas in the Central Time Zone. El Pasoans, however, ignored the law and continued to operate on Mountain Time.

What is CST right now in Texas? ›

Generalized Time Zones in Texas
Time Zone Abbreviation & NameCurrent Time
MTMountain TimeThu, 11:07:53 am
CTCentral TimeThu, 12:07:53 pm

What part of Texas is on the Central Time Zone line? ›

Most of Texas is in the Central Time Zone with the exception being the two westernmost counties. Northwestern Culberson County near Guadalupe Mountains National Park unofficially observes Mountain Time Zone.

What is the poverty rate in Corpus Christi Texas? ›

Poverty & Diversity

17.1% of the population for whom poverty status is determined in Corpus Christi, TX (70.5k out of 413k people) live below the poverty line, a number that is higher than the national average of 12.5%.

What is the main industry in Corpus Christi? ›

Key industries include petrochemical, tourism, healthcare, retail, education, shipping, agriculture and the military. Since its incorporation in 1852, Corpus Christi has grown into a regional hub for marketing, processing, packaging and distributing agricultural commodities for a 12-county trade area.

How hispanic is Corpus Christi? ›

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Corpus Christi the sparkling city by the sea is home to more than 316 thousand people. According to the United States Census Bureau about 64% are of Hispanic or Latino descent. About 8% are foreign born, originally from Central and South America.

How to cancel corpus christi caller times subscription? ›

How can I cancel my subscription? You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-844-900-7096.

How many cats can you own in Corpus Christi Texas? ›

You may contact the City Solid Waste Department by calling the Customer Call Center at 311. Does the City of Corpus Christi have a limit on the number of animals a person can own? Yes. A person may own any combination of dogs or cats up to six (6) animals over four months of age.

How do I contact Corpus Christi Caller Times? ›

How do I contact Customer Service? To get help with your account or subscription, call 1-844-900-7096 or chat online here.

Does Corpus Christi have a newspaper? ›

Corpus Christi Caller-Times brings the latest news, business, sports, entertainment & more to south Texas. There has been a newspaper in Corpus Christi for almost as long as there has been a town.

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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Views: 5540

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.